Term 1 Reflecion blog
Term 1 Reflection Blog Eel actions In term 1, we learnt about eels. We decided that we needed to help them, so we teamed up with other people that wanted to do smiler actions, and started plotting and sharing ideas and thoughts. So far me, my peers Sophie, Polly and Katelyn, have come up with 6 or 7 different ideas. Sophie and Polly go onto Google maps and find rivers to put our action into. Katelyn and I go onto our Google Doc sheet and jot down our ideas. Refugee Shelters In term 1, for RE, we were learning about what life is like for the people who live in South Sudan. We compared our lives to theirs. Their lives were so hard, we decided to have a day where we would act like their everyday lives are. So, we asked around for cardboard. On the day, everybody got cardboard, string, tape, scissors, fabric and sacks. Me, Milan, Rubi-Lee, Xhin, and Savanna made ours like a cage. It had box's for walls, crinkly cardboard for the roof, flat cardboard for the floor. The...