Financial Literacy
Financial Literacy - Market Day
Term 2's main focus - Financial Literacy/Market day. We have been learning about Financial Literacy. An ASB person called Amy came in to teach us about CASH (C=clear, A=action, S=save, H=how long?). We decided to make our own businesses.
Me and my BFF, Rubi-Lee have chosen to do Pet gear. We were going to do Pet Sitting, but we had nowhere to put the animals, so we adopted Pet gear. This is our name/logo: 4 Paws on Deck- the perfect gear for your furry friend! We are making Pet Cushions, pet bowls, coffee (Long Blacks & Flat Whites for the owners of course), and face paint!
I hope you stop by our stall! Remember, Coffee for you, & face paint for your kids!
WOW I love our name 4 paws on deck.